Entrepreneur Work Life Balance Challenges

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It's one of the most common struggles I've heard entrepreneurs talk about: How do I maintain a healthy work/life balance while starting a business?

I share some of the lessons I've learned while also reviewing a Rolling Stone article on work life balance for entrepreneurs.

If you're an entrepreneur struggling with work/life balance, then schedule a 50% discounted coaching session here. Offer expires February 13, 2024.

Written Summary

While the Rolling Stone article offers some helpful advice on finding a healthy work/life balance for entrepreneurs, it doesn't specifically mention communication. Based on my experience, communication with your close personal relationships (spouse, roommate, family, friends, etc.) is absolutely critical to a healthy work/life balance. 

In my own life, I have to constantly communicate with my wife and kids about my business priorities and their priorities in a given day or week. My wife also works, and we have two kids to raise. We have to juggle our work schedules along with school and after school activities for the kids. That doesn't even mention friends, other family, or fun recreation that is so important to our mental and physical health. We have to communicate our priorities and listen to each other's priorities consistently to ensure we are both moving our business work forward while also investing in our personal relationships. This requires some give and take depending on the day, but it's workable so long as we're aiming to give as much as we take.

The Rolling Stone article does mention a few other helpful tips such as exercise and sleep. If we neglect to take care of our physical bodies, then we'll fail to bring the best version of ourselves to our work and personal lives. I prioritize sleep by trying to not to work a couple hours before bedtime, and I prioritize exercise by scheduling it in my work calendar.

If we were in a coaching session where you indicated you wanted to find a better work/life balance, I would ask you to write your business and personal priorities down on a piece of paper and then rank them. That would allow you to visualize and talk through the reasons for each item. From there, we would explore common value themes and explore long-term strategies for keeping your life aligned with your core values.

As always, please reach out if you would like to discuss your work/life balance as an entrepreneur. I know the struggle well and am happy to connect. - Hunter Carroll


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